1. SQL


Store and query relational data using Neon Serverless Postgres.


@ampt/sql is now deprecated and will be removed in the future. Stay tuned for a new SQL interface on Ampt.

Ampt has built-in support for Postgres SQL that is powered by Neon Postgres. Using @ampt/sql you can store and query relational data using pure SQL commands or using the Kysely query builder.

Getting started

To get started with @ampt/sql you will need to install the package:

npm install @ampt/sql

Or via the Ampt shell:

ampt ›︎ install @ampt/sql ▊

Then you can import the package into your Ampt project:

import { sql } from "@ampt/sql";


Your SQL database is tied to your Ampt environment. If you delete the environment, the database is deleted and all data in it is lost. Backup and restore features are coming soon.

Using the sql interface

The sql interface provides a simple way to execute SQL commands against your database. You can use the sql interface to create tables, insert data, and query data.

To insert data into a table:

const post = await sql`INSERT INTO posts(content) VALUES(${content}) RETURNING *`;

To query data from a table:

const posts = await sql`SELECT * FROM posts`;

To learn more about Postgres SQL commands, see the Postgres documentation.

Using the Kysely query builder

@ampt/sql also provides the Kysely query builder to build SQL queries. Kysely is a lightweight query builder for JavaScript and TypeScript, which may be preferable to writing raw SQL queries.

First install the kysely package:

npm install kysely

Or via the Ampt shell:

ampt ›︎ install kysely ▊

Then you can import the Kysely class from @ampt/sql into your project, define TypeScript interfaces for your database and tables, and create a db instance:

import { Kysely } from "@ampt/sql"; import { GeneratedAlways } from "kysely"; interface Database { posts: PostsTable; } interface PostsTable { id: GeneratedAlways<number>; content: string; } const db = new Kysely<Database>(); // Insert a post const post = await db .insertInto("posts") .values({ content }) .returningAll() .executeTakeFirstOrThrow(); // Get all posts const posts = await db.selectFrom("posts").selectAll().execute();


@ampt/sql includes a migration system that allows you to define migrations using Kysely query builder.

Migration scripts are individual JavaScript files that you must place in a folder called migrations in the root of your project. The migration scripts must export an up() and down() function that accepts a Kysely instance as an argument.


Only JavaScript migration scripts are supported at this time. TypeScript support is coming soon.

For example:

export async function up(db) { await db.schema .createTable("posts") .addColumn("id", "serial", (col) => col.primaryKey()) .addColumn("content", "text", (col) => col.notNull()) .execute(); } export async function down(db) { await db.schema.dropTable("posts").execute(); }

Add the following scripts to your package.json:

{ "scripts": { "ampt:migrate": "ampt-sql migrate", "ampt:migrate-up": "ampt-sql migrate --up", "ampt:migrate-down": "ampt-sql migrate --down" } }

Then you can run the migrate command using the Ampt shell:

ampt ›︎ run migrate ▊

The run migrate command will run migration scripts in alphabetical order, after determining which scripts have already been run. During a deployment to a stage, Ampt will automatically run the ampt:migrate script command after ampt:build succeeds, and before updating your application code.

run migrate-down is useful during development if you need to rollback a migration, update the migration file, and then use run migrate or run migrate-up to apply the changes.

The run migrate-down is not recommended to be used in a production environment. Instead, you should create a new migration script that migrates the database forward to the desired state.

Additional References:

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