Get started with Ampt!
Ampt lets developers write apps using their favorite tools, JavaScript frameworks, and npm packages, then automatically provisions, manages, and optimizes cloud resource by inferring requirements from the code.
Terminalnpm i -g @ampt/cli ampt
The CLI will attempt to open a browser window to the Ampt dashboard. If your browser window doesn't open automatically, copy and paste the link provided in the CLI.
In the browser window, sign in or create a new Ampt account.
Terminalampt ℹ︎ You must login to proceeed. ℹ︎ Your browser should open automatically. ℹ︎ If not, open the following login url: →︎ ℹ︎ Your confirmation code is: XXXX-XXXX ⚠︎ This code will expire in 15 minutes.
Terminalampt ? Would you like to start the tutorial? ℹ︎ You've selected yes. ℹ︎ Enter a name for your app ›︎ my-ampt-tutorial▊
Terminalampt ? Would you like to create a new app?›︎ Yes No
Terminalampt ? Would you like to create a new app? ℹ︎ You've selected yes. ℹ︎ Choose a template to generate.›︎ JavaScript API (Express) TypeScript API (Express) React starter app Astro Web Store NextJS Starter Template (v12) WebSockets starter template ...
Terminalampt ℹ︎ You've selected JavaScript API (Express). ℹ︎ Enter a name for your app ›︎ my-cool-api ▊
Ampt generates the template code in your local directory, then spins up and connects to your isolated developer sandbox in the cloud.
Open your project directory in your favorite IDE and just start coding! Every time you save your work, your changes will be synced and deployed to your developer sandbox in less than a second.
Checkout the CLI documentation for more cool things you can do from the terminal. 🚀
Terminalampt ℹ︎ You've entered my-cool-api. ✔︎ Successfully generated app my-cool-api in this directory.✔︎ Connected to @org/app/username →︎ https://{your-unique-url} ›︎ ▊
Logs will be streamed directly into the interactive shell running in your terminal to give you immediate feedback. Plus, you can manage your parameters, view metrics, browse and update data, access blob storage, and much more using the Ampt Dashboard.