1. Frameworks
  2. Astro


Integrate with Astro to build full stack applications.

Ampt allows developers to integrate with their existing Astro applications.

Install @ampt/astro in your project:

npm install @ampt/astro --save

or run this when you’re in the interactive shell:

install @ampt/astro

You will need to add the dev and build scripts to configure how you start the development server inside interactive shell and how you package your application. You will need to update package.json file as follows:

  • add ampt:dev script for running the Astro dev server
  • add ampt:build script for running astro build


Astro version 4.0 requires the Node.js 20 runtime and builder. New apps default to Node.js 20, but if you're upgrading an existing app, you'll need to specify "nodejs20" as the runtime and buildRuntime in your package.json.

{ "name": "my-astro-app", "type": "module", "scripts": { "ampt:dev": "astro dev", "ampt:build": "astro check && astro build", }, "ampt": { "org": "your-org", "app": "your-app", "runtime": "nodejs20", "buildRuntime": "nodejs20", } ... }

Add the ampt integration to your astro.config.mjs file:

// astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"; import ampt from "@ampt/astro"; // https://astro.build/config export default defineConfig({ output: "server", integrations: [ampt() /* other integrations */], });


When using Astro's "server" or "hybrid" output modes, @ampt/astro will automatically set the "main" field of your "package.json" to dist/entry.js if it is not yet defined. This is required for Ampt to run your Astro application in SSR mode.

If you want to use Astro's "static" or "hybrid" modes, you can use the following configuration:

// astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"; import { params } from '@ampt/sdk' import ampt from "@ampt/astro"; // If you are using a custom domain, you can override the site parameter based on the Ampt environment's name const url = params('ENV_NAME') === 'prod' ? 'https://your-custom-domain.com' : params('AMPT_URL') // https://astro.build/config export default defineConfig({ output: "static", // or "hybrid" site: url, integrations: [ampt() /* other integrations */], });


Astro requires a site parameter to be set in the astro.config.mjs file when using "static" or "hybrid" output modes. You can use the params library from the @ampt/sdk to get the AMPT_URL parameter from the environment, which will always be set by Ampt. However, if you are using a custom domain, be sure to override this value with it in the relevent environments.

If using the "static" output mode, be sure to remove any entrypoints you may have defined in "package.json" for the "main" field. This is not required, as the index.html file will be the entrypoint for your application.

Start the interactive shell and run build to create your artifacts:

ampt build

Start the interactive shell and run dev to start your development server

ampt dev

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