Product Update

Introducing Ampt Templates

Automatically configured CI/CD pipelines and full stack applications deployed to the cloud with a single click.

Ampt's goal has always been simple: let developers rapidly build, deploy, and scale Node.js apps in the cloud without complicated configs or managing infrastructure. Today, we're making it even easier to get started with Ampt by enabling full stack application deployments with a single click. When you start with an Ampt Template, we'll automatically create a new Git repo for you, set up CI/CD, and deploy your code to a production environment. Clone the repo using your favorite IDE to explore and customize, then merge your code back to the main git branch to automatically deploy your changes.

We're starting with a handful of templates for popular Node.js, full stack, and JavaScript frameworks like Express.js, React, Vue, SvelteKit, Astro, and Remix, with many more coming soon. We'll also be releasing a number of sample Node.js apps to let developers quickly implement common use cases. Our templates are open source and we welcome contributions as well as full template submissions and ideas.

If you're an existing beta user, you can try out Ampt Templates now by visiting:

Enhanced GitHub Integrations

Ampt's GitHub integration lets you easily connect your existing apps to repositories in your GitHub account. Features like automatic preview environments on every pull request and production deployments on merge gives users a fully integrated CI/CD pipeline with just a few clicks.

With Ampt Templates, we've extended this integration even further by enabling a GitHub OAuth app that lets you connect your GitHub account to Ampt. This new level of authentication allows Ampt to create repositories from templates and automatically set up CI/CD pipelines on your behalf. We've made sure to keep permissions very limited and only ask for exactly what we need to facilitate the template onboarding process.

The new OAuth authorizations are great for getting started quickly and are recommended for hobby projects and small teams. Our existing GitHub app integration should still be used to enable tightly-scoped permissions to repositories in GitHub Organization.

Getting started is just the beginning

Once the template deploys, your app is now up and running on a global scale production environment in AWS. You'll get a publicly accessible URL on the “” domain, a link to your newly created GitHub repository, and a single CLI command to get you customizing your app in no time. Your app is already connected to your GitHub repository and any pushes or merges to your main branch will trigger an automatic deployment to your production environment.

Ampt Template successfully deployed
Full stack applications deployed to the cloud with a single click.

Ampt provides a blazing fast developer experience that lets you use your favorite IDE and development tools while continuing to build applications at the speed of local. With Ampt Templates, we're introducing the new clone command to get you building cloud apps in just seconds.

npx @ampt/cli clone org-name/app-name

This new command automatically clones your app from your GitHub repo to your local environment and installs any app dependencies. It then connects to your isolated developer sandbox, syncs your code, and enables live console logs. Any changes you make to your app code will be synced and deployed to your high fidelity developer sandbox in less than a second. If you're running an app that uses a local development server like React or Eleventy, you can run the dev command from the Ampt CLI shell to enable a lightning fast full stack workflow.

What's next?

We're excited about this new streamlined deployment process because developers can now launch full applications in the cloud in just minutes. As of right now, you can only use Ampt Templates, but we'll be adding support for third-party public repos soon, letting anyone create and share solutions with the community. And, of course, this is just the beginning.

Sign up to start building now and be sure to join our community on Discord to see what other amazing developers are building with Ampt!

The fastest way to get things done in the cloud!